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Managing for Quality Ltd


I have provided manage m ent syste m and proces s development c o nsulting services in the above sectors for 3 0 years. I am a mem ber of the Institute of Marine Engineers and the Institute of Marine Engineer ing , Scien ce and Techn ology. I am als o an IRCA registered QMS Lead Auditor Environmenta l Lead Auditor.

Current and recent c onsulti ng clients include ; UKAEA ( N uclear fusion); Magnox (nu clear decommissioning); PQ Corporation (chemical production); Baker H u ghes (ch emi cal production); AUAM (nuclear asset managem en t; Westinghouse (nuclear fu el transport); Koura (che m ical production ) , Northern Marine ( fleet manage men t); Federal Mogul (autom o ti ve components man ufact ure) ; Plantfo r ce (cons truction equipment hire); SRK (scaffolding); Ben Bennet Rolling Mill (steel rolling); and Ben Bennett Junior (Limestone quarry) .

ONC Marine Engineering

OND Nuclear Engineering


Over 30 years ISO 9001 QMS consulting and Auditor training (for example UKAEA, Magnox, Baker Hughes) Over 20 years ISO 14001 consulting and auditor training (UKAEA, Magnox, PQ Corporation, Eckert & Zeigler) Over 20 years OHAS 18001 and latterly ISO 45001:2018 consulting and auditor training e.g. UKAEA, Magnox, Northern Marine) Approximately 3 years ISO 27001 consulting and audit experience (mainly European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and UKAEA)

Management experience includes:

• 4 years managing a nuclear operation shift team on nuclear submarines;

• 4 years managing a team of nuclear fuel quality Inspectors and supervisors;

• 4 years as a senior quality manager providing Internal consulting services for BNFL;

• 25 years as a Director of MfQ with up to 7 employees and around 10 Associates plus overseas training partners

  • Chemicals
  • Engineering
  • Oil and Gas
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 45001
  • ISO 9001
  • East Midlands
  • Greater London
  • South East
  • West Midlands
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