ISO 14068-1:2023 is an international standard providing a framework for organizations to claim and demonstrate carbon neutrality. It outlines principles, requirements, and guidelines for achieving and maintaining carbon neutrality, emphasizing transparency, integrity, and a science-based approach.
Benefits of implementing the requirements of ISO 14068
It is almost universally recognised that many industries need to do more to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. With the Government putting pressure on companies to invest in their journey to net zero, having clear carbon reduction plans has never been more important.
However, this is not always easy. Using ISO 14068-1 as a framework will help you to:
Enhance the transparency of your environmental impart through effective measuring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.
Set short-term and long-term goals for reducing these emissions.
Ensure you stay ahead of regulatory requirements and align with The Environment Agency’s climate change schemes and global climate goals.
Offset your residual carbon footprint by investing in ethical, impactful carbon credits.
Share best practice with your supply chain and to the wider economy.
Make cost savings associated with more responsible use of natural resources.
Certification to this new ISO is a clear way to ensure your claims of carbon neutrality are genuine and are based on verifiable data. By having an external body verify your carbon neutrality claims, you reduce the risk of reputational damage from accusations of greenwashing and can ensure that your sustainability efforts are robust and credible.
ISO 14068 is relatively new to the market, so our first cohort of certified companies will be trailblazers in compliance, setting an example for others.
How can I find out more?
As carbon neutrality is very much on the national agenda now, there is a wealth of online resources available to help companies understand the topic. We champion ISO 14068-1 as one of the best ways to benchmark your performance in this area. Read the Standard, consider your commitment to it, and share your carbon neutral certification journey with us.
How does ISO 14068 define carbon neutrality?
Carbon neutrality is achieved when the net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with an entity, product, or service are reduced to zero by:
1. Reducing emissions as much as possible.
2. Offsetting remaining emissions using credible GHG removal or compensation measures.
ISO 14068-1 complements ISO 14064 (GHG quantification and reporting) by focusing specifically on the achievement of carbon neutrality. While ISO 14064 provides the basis for GHG inventories and reporting, ISO 14068-1 outlines additional steps and requirements for reaching and maintaining carbon neutrality.